Here we BBQ'd ribs using the 3-2-1 Method set at a temperature for the majority of the cook at 160C. 3 hours with a dry rub, 2 hours covered in sauce and wrapped in foil and 1 hour unwrapped up until the last 15 minutes when we gave the ribs a further sauce. The results, BBQ flavoured ribs that were absolutely delicious!
Launched in 2018, The Weber Pulse 1000 and Weber Pulse 2000 BBQ are unlike any other Weber Electric BBQ ever made. The Weber Pulse 1000 BBQ has one heating element, perfect for Direct BBQ'ing, for things like steaks, burgers and sausages. The Weber Pulse 2000 BBQ has two heating elements which gives you the opportunity to BBQ using both the indirect and direct BBQ'ing methods.
In our short video, we are showing off the space that the Weber Pulse 2000 BBQ has and how it can create fantastic BBQ food with incredible ease. Set the temperature to your desired level and the Weber Pulse holds to that temperature with great consistency - this truly is a brilliant BBQ, offering people a greener alternative to gas and charcoal. Not only is this BBQ extremely green, but it is also extremely powerful and we have managed to grill on it up to 305 °C. The fact that this BBQ does not have an open flame also opens up the market to allow people in flats and apartments, who have restrictions on charcoal and gas BBQs to be able to enjoy BBQ'ing on their balconies!