WowBBQ is the home of the Weber Experts and with more than a few hardcore Weber® enthusiasts on our team there was a lot of excitement this year when finding out about the new products due to launch in time for 2019.
So what's new? This year you benefit from some new designs as well as some relaunches of existing models.
Check out all the new products below (just interested in the BBQs? click here).
Weber® Charcoal BBQs
This year we see the charcoal range expanded with some creative changes to the Original Kettle and MasterTouch range.
Weber® Smokey Joe® Premium Black 1121004
It's big enough to feed the family yet small enough to pack in your car. A lovely little portable kettle grill which is ideal for camping, day trips and picnics.
A fantastic portable charcoal BBQ from Weber® and very much a known quantity; now available in Black. This BBQ is also still available in Smoke, Slate, Green and Crimson.
Weber® Original Kettle E-4710 Charcoal Grill 47cm 13101004
Very much the original and iconic design; this wallet friendly version has new innovative features like the deep ash catcher, taller legs and tool hooks integrated on the bowl handle.
For basic grilling this 47cm model is just the ticket for bangers and burgers when space is a premium.
Weber® Original Kettle E-5710 Charcoal Grill 57cm 14101004
A full size version of the Weber® Original Kettle with the new features of a deep ash catcher plus tall legs and integrated tool hooks.
As a 57cm model this BBQ is suitable for grilling and indirect "oven style" cooking too - ribs, roasts; the full BBQ experience.
Weber® Original Kettle E-5730 Charcoal Grill 57cm 14201004
The next level up on the Original Kettle with added features for convenience - a built in lid thermometer for temperature regulation, hinged cooking grates and a closed ash catcher one touch cleaning system to take the hassle out of cleaning your grill.
Weber® Master-Touch GBS SE E-5755 Charcoal Grill 57cm 14801004
Weber® Master-Touch GBS SE C-5755 Charcoal Grill 57cm 14813004
Weber® Master-Touch GBS SE C-5755 Charcoal Grill 57cm 14810004
Reinvented for 2019, the Master-Touch in jam packed with features to make BBQ more enjoyable. Including all the best features from the Weber® Kettle plus GBS cooking grates for an extremely versatile cooking experience, there is even a bracket for your iGrill. Available in three colours; Black, Slate Blue & Smoke Grey
Read all about this model here.
Weber® Master-Touch GBS Premium SE E-5775 Charcoal Grill 57cm 17401004
This year's biggest innovation and sitting at the top of the tree is the Weber® Master-Touch Premium. This best in class BBQ takes the iconic Weber® Kettle to dizzying new heights. Use it to grill, to roast and even for low and slow smoking. This BBQ can do it all. Packed with new features and comes with a free cast iron sear grate insert (for the GBS grates) to create stunning sear marks on your food. Our favourite feature has to be the hinged lid bracket. Read all about this exciting new model here.
Plenty of new editions here with Weber bringing back the much loved sear station feature.
Weber® Spirit II S-210 GBS Gas Grill 44000174
The same fantastic entry level gas grill from Weber as the Spirit II E-210 but upgraded with a stainless lid, this tidy little BBQ looks very smart indeed.
Weber® Spirit II E-320 GBS Gas Grill 45012174
This upgraded version of the Spirit E-310 features a side burner; a handy little hob for sauces, soups and more.
Weber® Spirit II S-320 GBS Gas Grill 45002174
As above with a stylish stainless steel lid.
Weber® Genesis II S-310 GBS Gas Grill 61001174
A stainless steel version of the Weber Genesis II E310 (our most popular Weber Gas BBQ for 2018)
Weber® Genesis II S-410 GBS Gas Grill 62001174
Another very popular gas barbecue, this version of the Genesis II four burner also features a stainless steel lid.
Weber® Genesis II EP-335 GBS Gas Barbecue 61016174
This new version of the Genesis II brings back the always popular sear station feature for that extra bit of searing power when you need it most. It also has doors on the front for a more traditional look as well as a side burner hob.
Weber® Genesis II SP-335 GBS Gas Barbecue 61006174
As above but with stainless steel doors and lid for a more contemporary look.
Weber® Genesis II EP-435 GBS Gas Barbecue 62016174
A new four burner Genesis with all the latest features including sear station, doors and side burner.
Weber® Genesis II SP-435 GBS Gas Barbecue 62006174
As above but with stainless steel doors and lid for a more contemporary look.
Weber® Summit E-470 GBS Gas Grill 7171074
When only the very best will do, the four burner Weber Summit is the top of the line Weber Gas Barbecue. This luxury grill has every feature you could ever want including a built in smoker box, infrared burner and built in rotisserie. All the bells and whistles.
Weber® Summit S-470 GBS Gas Grill 7170074
As above, a high tech luxury barbecue; with stainless steel lid and doors.
New Weber® Accessories & Fuel
Weber® Premium Lumpwood 5kg & 10kg 17825 17826
100% natural lumpwood with no added accelerants to ensure a clean cooking experience. It lights fast and burns hot, what more could you want?
Weber® Poultry Wood Chips Blend - 0.7KG 17833
A bespoke blend of wood chips from Weber® designed to be used with poultry dishes.
Weber® Western Red Cedar Wood Planks - Small 17522
They're back! These handy wooden planks are fantastic to cook on and add a delicious smokey flavour; especially good with fish.
We think they would make a great stocking filler, view full product description.
Weber® Universal Smoker Box - fits all grills 7576
Use to add smokey flavour to any BBQ meal.
Simply fill with pre-soaked wood chips of your choosing and let the smoke infuse your food.
Weber® Deluxe Steak Knife Set - Set of 17077
Robust with an ergonomic grip, a lovely gift for the Steak and BBQ enthusiast in your life. Set includes two pairs.
Weber® Grill Cover 57cm Master-Touch Premium Versions - Fits for Hinged Lid and IGrill Bracket 7186
A bespoke cover for the new Weber MasterTouch Premium.
Weber® Premium Grill Cover - Fits Q300/3000 Series 7184
Heady duty cover for the family sized Weber Q3200 and previous editions.
Weber® Grill Cover Premium Spirit II 200 - Fits Spirit II 200 & Spirit 2-210 (excl. EO-210) 7182
Custom made cover for some two burner Weber gas BBQs
Weber® Grill Cover Premium Spirit II 300 - Fits Spirit II 300, Spirit EO-210 and all 300 Series Spirits 7183
Custom made cover for some three burner Weber gas BBQs