It should come as no surprise that we've tried and tested a lot of wings here at WOWBBQ HQ over the years and this recipe is our all time favourite, it's always a winner at parties and there are never any wings left over!


WOWBBQ Ultimate BBQ Buffalo Wings


You will need:
- Large tray of chicken wings, about 1.2kg
- 1 Tbsp of baking powder
- 1 Tbsp of Chilli Powder
- Pinch of salt
- Frank's Buffalo Wings Sauce, bottle
- 2 Tbsp of Unsalted Butter

In the Kitchen:

Start by patting the chicken wings dry with kitchen roll. Mix together your baking powder, chilli powder and salt and then sprinkle over your wings, toss in a large bowl to evenly coat. Lay the wings on a rack and then leave in the fridge uncovered overnight (at least 10 hours).

If you're in a hurry then skip the above stage but ideally don't! 

At the Grill:

Set up your BBQ for indirect grilling (view techniques) at roughly 200c.

Place your wings skin side up on the cooler section (not over direct heat from coals/burners) and cook until the skins begin to brown/crisp up. This will take approximately 30 minutes.

Microwave your butter to melt and mix in a large bowl with hot sauce.

In small batches of 5-10 wings, remove from the grill and toss in the glaze.

Now place the wings back on the grill but this time skin down over the hot section (above the coals).

Flip when charred to your liking - this will only take a couple of minutes.